Thursday, August 4, 2011


strength is the basic muscular force needed for movement. everyone needs strength for ordi nary activities. you use strength to push a lawn mower, to carry grocery bags, to lift things.

The quickest and most direct means of improving strength is through weight training, a form of isotonic exercise. isotonic exercises develop strength by repeated movements with the use of weights. calisthenics, such as push ups, pull ups, and sit ups, are also isotonic exercises that involve weight training. the weight is your own body.

Isometric exercises, on the other hand, involve little movement. in isometric exercises you use muscle tension to build strength. pushing against a tension her is an isometric exercise. if you clasp your hands in front of you and pull, you are doing an isometric exercise. such exercises add strength to individual muscles but do not tune up the entire body.

Most finess experts strongly recommend isotonic exercises because they do more for your whole body than isometric exercises. athletes generally do isotonic exercises for general conditioning.


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